Fabric Graphics, Fab or Drab?

Custom Fabric Portable Exhibits & Displays from Nimlok Kentucky

We all know that caring for fabrics can be a difficult task. Oh, we’ve heard the old wives’ tales of hairspray, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide. And that might be an answer when you’re trying to get a stain out of your favorite shirt, but how about when it’s a very large and expensive fabric graphic?

The answer is simple, right? WRONG!

But we can offer a few tips to help keep those eye-catching graphics grabbing attention for the right reasons.

Is spot cleaning an option? While this might not work for every issue, it can be a useful on-the-spot tip. For minimal dirt, try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. You can remove surface dirt by gently brushing the fabric. Keep the eraser dry, and wipe as lightly as possible. Just be careful. Spot cleaning is only recommended for delicate mesh fabrics. Our best suggestion is when possible, always dry clean to ensure the most beautiful graphics stay that way for as long as possible.

When it comes to storage, make sure they are clean and dry before packing them away. And always be sure to loosely fold or roll your fabrics with the “face” or front side inward. And also, when possible, store fabrics in their original shipping containers to provide sufficient protection.

And finally, the best way to prevent stains and dirt is to eliminate the possibility altogether. When handling, make sure your hands are clean and dry or wear a pair of clean gloves. For extra prevention, lay down a clean drop cloth during installation and dismantle.

So, while fabric cleaning and care are far from difficult, we wanted to provide you with a few quick fixes to ensure your exhibit’s presence is always up to par. We here at Nimlok know that improper handling can not only ruin a gorgeous display, but also take a big bite out of your budget.